Saturday, August 21, 2010

Do we want to be Blessed?

Blessed - Its a word that we use so often. From an automatic response to a sneeze to a greeting and farewell.
But do we really want to be blessed?
What do we even think the word means nowadays?

Most folk would agree that to be blessed is to receive material and spiritual benefits from God.
And i thinks thats a pretty accurate description.
However I do also feels that most people tend to desire more of the material than the spiritual.
In our modern world we would not call the poor widow who gave her all blessed.
We would not call Elijah and his flour blessed.
We would never think of John and his diet of locusts and honey blessed.

And so we often look at our lives and take inventory of them by looking at only the material and for many of us this can only lead to one conclusion:
"Wow, but I sure am blessed! I must be doing something right."

However, the Bible tells us how we can be blessed, truly blessed from God in all matters.

This is how the blessing of God flow into our lives.

Psalm 1
1 Blessed is the man
who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
or stand in the way of sinners
or sit in the seat of mockers.
2  But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
and on his law he meditates day and night.

Now ask your self this question:
"Is this Psalm a representation of me?"
If not then your conclusion of being blessed and doing something right is inaccurate.

In Christ we have received all God's spiritual blessings, and because of that we should desire to please Him.

The only question that remains is "Do you want to be blessed?"
If so then seek God's perfect will for your life and submit to Him.

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